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December 18, 2007 |Permalink |Comments (0)
How About Some Sexism?
Here is a report from an Australian newspaper which highlights a photo that "shows how much Hillary Clinton has aged"
Aging men look distinguished or even-- "senatorial"
Aging women look-- "old"
Rush Limbaugh-- noted expert-- weighs in...
"We know that the presidency ages the occupants of that office rapidly. You go back and look at… Well, you can’t use Clinton because he dyed his hair based on the audience he was speaking to, but take a look some pictures of Bush in 2000, when he was campaigning, or 2001 when he was inaugurated. Take a look at him now. Just been eight years. The difference is stark. He’s kept himself in good shape and so forth, but you can say that this is a sad, unfortunate thing. But men aging makes them look more authoritative, accomplished, distinguished. Sadly, it’s not that way for women, and they will tell you."
His rant and this recent call and response from a McCain political rally are really one of a piece..
WOMAN: How do we beat the bitch?McCAIN: May I give the translation?
The amount of sexism in our society is staggering and what is interesting is how the rise of a political figure, who is a woman, brings out this latent sexism for all to see.
It is not about the desirability of one particular woman for one particular office, it is about the poisoned barbs which wound women of all ages when they transgress traditional ideas about the proper (and subordinate) role of their gender.
America needs to get over it.
Men age. Women age. Men can lead. Women can lead.
Gender, which is irrelevant, is offered as a highly distracting piety. Grown men who really ought to know much better (I mean you Rushbo), dispense reheated conventional wisdom from the 1950's and then go on to delude themselves (and others) with the notion that their comments are somehow daring and provocative.
Hollywood's Take on Women and Technology