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« Bye By White Coat and Tie | Main | Endless Tales of Woe »

October 25, 2007 |Permalink |Comments (8)


Well folks, notice anything different? I hope my nascent readership was not too stunned by our bold new look. Thanks much to the creative services studio at UMBC who designed the new header. And thanks also to the folks in the New Media Studio who have been tweaking and twinging this blog into existence.

Of course, this will always be a work in progress. And your feedback is coveted -- what do YOU, the reader, think?

Comments ( 8)

Looks great Bill but were is the snow?

Snow? I don't know about other parts of the country, but up until today Maryland has been sweltering in 80-degree heat. At least we're not on fire like California. You've got an eclectic blog Dr. Thomas. The new look seems to fit your style. I'd like to hear more about our community at UMBC -- what sorts of things do you teach?

That is a different look -- I like it! Thanks for bringing your wisdom and wit to a blog. Can't wait to read more.

Great content, please keep it coming. I love the new look!

Opps, I forgot that it is still summer in the lower 48!!

Love the pages Bill!

Hi Jamie -- Dr. Thomas is teaching in the Erickson School's new master's program all day but will give you a shout soon. I'm helping run his site and I can tell you that he is planning on changing the header to match the season, hence the fall leaves. So hopefully we will get some snow down here one of these days.

Is it already dark and cold up there in Alaska?

I'm having a great day at the Erickson School. We have all of the Master's students here and they are rocking. Cool and rainy, winter still feels a way off. We all had lunch together
and there was a great buzz.

Hi Dr. Bill! I found you through Time Goes By. I like the design -- but the grey text is a bit hard for my aging eyes to read. White, or at least a brighter grey, would help me a lot. I'm loving your content, though!

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