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March 15
UMBC Retrievers

UMBC Intramurals

UMBC Retrievers

Congratulation to "Team SAE (Sikeouts Are Expected)" for winning the first ever BASKEball Championship!

BASEketball Champions

(Sikeouts Are Expected)

Division #1
Division #2
Durka Dirkas
Phi Kan't Shoot
We Plow
Sikeouts Are Expected

Durka Dirkas vs Phi Kan't Shoot
Phi Kan't Shoot (W/FF)
Skulls vs Weinis
Skulls (1-0)
Durka Dirkas vs We Plow
Tie (0-0)
Skulls vs SAE
SAE (2-0)
Phi Kan't Shoot vs We Plow
Phi Kan't Shoot (1-0)
Weinis vs SAE
SAE (1-0)
#3 We Plow vs #6 Weinis
We Plow (2-1)
#4 Durka Dirkas vs #5 Skulls
Durka Dirkas (5-1)
#1 Phi Kan't Shoot
vs #4 Durka Dirka
#4 Durka Dirka (1-0)
#2 SAE vs #3 We Plow
SAE (3-1)

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UMBC Intramurals
General Policies, Rules & Guidelines

For a detailed description of the rules & policies, please click here.

BASEketball Rules:

Teams will consist of a maximum of six (6) players with three (3) on the court on offense and two (2) on defense

1. OFFENSE For the team on offense, after the order of players is determined, a player chooses a square. The squares from the free throw line are singles, from the top of the key is a double, the three point line is a triple, and half-court is a home run. Any players on base advance the corresponding number of bases, so if a player is on second and a player hits a single, the runner on second advances to third. If they make the basket, they get whatever. The two closest squares on either side of the basket are bunts. They don't put any runners on base, but advance any runners ahead one base. If they miss any shot, it's one out. The player does not have to dribble the ball or run with it, they can just stand there and shoot, but they cannot pass over the line. If they do, it's an automatic out. Three outs, the teams change sides. You don't have to run the bases, walking is fine, and you are only there as long as you aren't needed. If you come up to "bat" again while on base, you can shoot and everyone just remembers your position and advances you accordingly. If a single, double, or triple is made, that square shot from is marked with a pot holder and cannot be shot from again for the rest of that half of the inning. The bunts and the home run are never marked when used; they can be shot from as often as desired. A shot clock will be used in order to make sure people aren’t stalling when they are about to shoot.

2. DEFENSE For the team on defense, two players (usually rotating the line-up) are on the court. The principal weapon is the psyche-out, a diversionary tactic to break the shooter's concentration and make them miss (Guidelines for psyche outs will be given prior to the tournament).

When the player shoots the ball and it hits the backboard without going in the basket, the ball is technically still in play. If either of the defenders tip the ball in at this point, it counts as a double play, assuming there is at least one runner on base at the time (in which case, the one furthest along is out). The defenders have to be in the air for the tip-in to count (a simple jump or bounce up will do) and only two chances to get the ball in, one for each defender. If each defender misses, any two offensive players can try to tip the ball in for a "conversion", whatever shot they were attempting counted as successful. Once again, they must be in the air when they try, and they only have two chances, one for each player. If they miss their two opportunities, it's then a free-for-all, with whoever gets the shot in getting the results, a double-play or conversion. Note that the ball has to touch the backboard/rim with each shot for it to remain in play. If the ball touches house, the ground, or any player catches it and doesn't release it before landing on the ground, it is just a simple one-out play.

Comments or Question about site? Contact: Jerry Prieto or Kevin Philyaw